
On this page you will find some useful tools for improving your knowledge and your barbershop experience. Note that you must extract the individual files from the ZIP before running each tool.

Chord recognition by David King

A set of aural exercises with accompanying explanation that will help you recognise different chords and their relationships to each other.

Click here to download a ZIP file for running the application on your computer.

Pitch Awareness by David King

How good are you at telling pitches apart? Find out for yourself with this exercise.

Click here to download a ZIP file for running the application on your computer.

The POW Game by David King

A little test for your sense of rhythm. Just how good do you think you are?

lick here to download a ZIP file for running the application on your computer.

Just Intonation by David King

A tutorial to explain Just Intonation and how it affects us. There are tests to see if you can hear it.

Click here to download a ZIP file for running the application on your computer.